Talking about “privilege matters” on the Herdacious Podcast

In this episode, herdacious host Lorelei chats with Alejandra Mielke about the role power and privilege play in the ability to micro-aggress against others. Microaggressions are everyday verbal, behavioral, or environmental snubs that demean, diminish, or harm members of marginalized groups through belittlement. “Your English is great,” or, “As a woman, I know what you go through as a racial minority,” might not appear harmful, but Alejandra enlightens us as to why such comments incur feelings of invalidation. As a DEI coach who works with underrepresented minorities to overcome workplace biases, Alejandra teaches us that microaggressions are born out of inherent power and privilege differences, which often creates a suppressive atmosphere for marginalized individuals. However, Alejandra assures us that derogatory comments and behaviors can be avoided when those in power become self-aware, and those on the receiving end respond suitably to their own needs. From accepting feedback to acknowledging that experiences are not one-and-the-same, Alejandra underscores that microaggressions can be halted through better awareness. As Alejandra best explains, power is infinite; and empowered people empower people!

Host: Lorelei Gonzalez
Co-host: Alejandra Mielke, PhD 

Dr. Alejandra Rodríguez Mielke is a Leadership Coach & Consultant with more than 20 years’ experience in the field of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Dr. Mielke brings a strong expertise in social justice, equity, and adult learning after working at The University of Texas at Austin as an educational researcher and later as an independent consultant facilitating workshops and professional programs around Unconscious Bias, Power & Privilege, Inclusive Leadership, and Cultural Competency for local and global organizations. 

Things you will learn in this episode (chapter markers available):  

  • Power and Privilege 2:30

  • Exclusion rears its ugly head 5:10

  • To micro-aggress 10:40

  • Decoding the hidden messages 17:00

  • Rules of Response 18:20

  • Feedback & self-awareness 21:55

  • Femme fact: Svetlana Tikhanovskaya 26:20

Resources mentioned in this episode:  

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Date: August 02, 2021

Episode: 60


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ALPFA Diversity Equity & Inclusion Livetalk Series